Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Countdown: 39 days to go

It’s January 18th, and I’m not freaking out. I mean, at all. There’s nothing TO freak out about, really, right? As of right now, I am perfectly calm and serene. Blood pressure’s normal, respiratory rate is low, heartbeat is regular, muscles are nice and loose and relaxed.
If you know me at all, you know that all of that is a load of %@!&. Right?
Things I’ve gotten done:
~ Plane ticket has been purchased.
~ Credit card is coming in the mail any day now.
~ Jonathan has been called and has succeeded yet again in calming me down, bless him.
~ Financial Aid office has been called. They’re conferring with Jonathon about my bill, and will get back to me by Thursday.
~ Travis has been reminded that I’m going to be at the college Thursday to help the Student Activities Council out with Casino Night. He has either ignored my e-mail or has read it and promptly forgotten. Nothing out of the ordinary there.
~ Arrangements have been made for my Easter break accommodations in Edinburgh. ~ Investigations have been made into Scotland’s offerings in the “attractive and available Scottish guys that I might for various reasons like to get to know” project. Results of this project remain to be seen.
~ Several internship applications have been turned in, and letters of reference requested.
~ First Merit has been called regarding my option to have some GBP on hand before I leave, so that I have some foreign monies on me when my plane lands.
~ Bookstore manager has been left a message to arrange a meeting time for me to make an appeal to get my job back (note: I didn’t do anything to merit losing my job – they took me off the schedule without really explaining why).

Things I still need to do:
~ Make a list of questions for Continental Airlines regarding my flight, luggage and fees, then call them to ask those questions.
~ Visit Half-Priced Books to see if I can find a well-priced collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, so that I’ll have all I need to do my independent study.
~ Visit Borders in case I decide to order Sherlock Holmes Was Wrong, Sherlock Holmes: Victorian Sleuth to Modern Hero, and perhaps one of the Graphic Novel Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
~ Call Tyrone and apprise him of my internship hunt status.
~ Finish letter of intent for Miner’s Institute internship and have Tyrone look it over on Thursday before sending it out.
~ Print a copy of my college transcript to send with the aforementioned application.
~ Call First Merit again in about a month to order my GBPs, after I figure out exactly how much money I'm going to need/want.
~ E-mail Kyle, perhaps?

I think that may be it. At least, for now. As far as I can tell.
And I'm not freaking out. At all.
Excuse me.