Friday, February 25, 2011

What Are You Afraid Of?

_______________(I took this picture literally 3 minutes before posting this)_____________

I’m just over a day out from my flight, and I’ve been a bit fretful. Not that anything in particular is bothering me still – I think it’s a generalized anxiety about the whole experience. So I thought I’d make a list of things about this trip that worry me, in the hopes that it’ll help me feel better.

I hope my flatmate is nice. I have a fear that she’ll be standoffish. Since I only have one flatmate instead of 3, it might be harder for me to meet people.

I hope I have the fortitude to become the new and improved Sarah that Jennie was telling me about. This is related to the above fear. I can be a whole new, confident person in Scotland, and people there won’t know any better.

I hope this sudden spat of awful weather gets better. As of now my flight, and the one from Miami bringing my plane to Cleveland are on schedule, but we’ll see what happens.

I hope that when I get to the college I will be able to figure out where to go to get myself checked in or whatever.

I hope that I don’t get terribly homesick. Just in the past few days I’ve started feeling the impending sting of missing my family. Hoping that Skype-ing with my mom, sister, Kendra, Jennie, etc. will ease that considerably. By the way, if you readers have anything to say, anything at all, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. It’ll remind me that you guys are still out there. 

Similarly, I hope my family doesn’t get too sad when I leave. I can picture my mom sitting on my bed and looking around my room and crying when she gets back from the airport. That makes my heart hurt just a little.

I hope my checked baggage doesn’t get lost. I can’t help but remember Joanne and Randy’s experience in Scotland a few years back, when they didn’t get their luggage back until something like 4 months after they got back.

I hope I can get my tail in gear and iron out my Sherlock Holmes papers within a reasonable time frame. Similarly, I hope my classes aren’t too hard for me. Anya and Gimpy both suggested that the classes will be easier than they are here. They are really long, though. That could burn me out.

I hope I can deal with the plane ride. I hope my RLS doesn’t harass me too badly, that I can sleep, that if I do sleep I don’t snore too badly, that I don’t get my flight companions sick, that the air pressure changes don’t hurt me too much.

I hope I can afford this trip!!! I need to ask my dad if he can give me some money to replace what I spent on my doctor visit yesterday. He keeps asking me if I need money, so I shouldn’t be feeling anxious about this.

I hope things aren’t awkward when I stay in Edinburgh for Easter break. I’m not a Christian, and part of me is worried that my hostess will expect Catholic leanings out of me.

I hope I can meet some guys while I’m over there. Not that I’m planning on losing my heart, or anything else, to some exotic foreigner (I don’t know that I believe in all this love crap [Hanson reference! Ka-chow!])], but you know, guys in America mostly ignore me. This is related to bullet points one and two as well.

That might be it. Maybe. Even if it isn’t, I think I’ve accomplished what I set out to accomplish here to the best of my ability. Mom hasn’t been acting weird (like telling me horror stories and worrying about me out loud and stuff), which is odd but as long as I don’t think into it too much it’s much less stressful than it would be otherwise. Dad I haven’t heard express an opinion about it recently, and because he’s a man, and my dad, I’m sure he’s trying to hide how sad he is. He did tell me he was a little jealous of my opportunity, which seems to me to be an encouraging sign.

Finishing up watching Masterpiece Sherlock “The Great Game” for the 6th time. Have to call my internship locale and let them know that I accept the job.

That’s a WHOLE new set of fears. For another time.

(Picture of the early birthday cake Cindy and Mom got for me two nights ago)


  1. i love you sarah. everything will be ok and you have an amazing opportunity here. i'm jealous too. but i'm excited for you and proud of you also. i'll keep mom in check so she'll be ok. we will be sad but that's just because we'll miss you. not because we're not happy for you. we want you to have an a great experience and have an amazing time. and remember what you promised me!!!!!

  2. Have a safe trip Sarah! I know that you will have fun and just find a whole new side of yourself. Ask as many questions as you can and just pretend I'm right behind you supporting them!

    Have fun, and I can't wait for the updates!

  3. Totally normal to be nervous about all the stuff you mention, but here's the thing: you are an incredibly intelligent, super awesome person who is off on an adventure. Will some of it be fabulous? Sure. Will some of it suck? Yep. But you are off seeing the world. As hard as it is, try not to put expectations on it and roll with it as it comes. (And besides, if your flat mate is awful or the landlady is insane, think of all the stories you will have to post on the blog! Kinda like last week's episode of Glee--you have much to write about becasue of the experiences you're getting. Although you're much cooler than Rachel Berry).
